
  • World’s Most Dangerous Road

    We’ve just had the most exhilarating, scary, amazing and mind numbingly mystifying experience possible. After chilling for one day in La Paz (world’s highest capital at 3,600m above sea level), we decided that it was time for some action. Yungas Road, also known as the World’s Most Dangerous Road, has more fatalities per km than any…

  • Uyuni, Uyuuniiii!

    After Potosi we took off for Uyuni and the Salt Flats, it was another 6 hour bus journey through bumpy gravel roads, but the scenery was really spectacular – amazing mountain ranges and lamas all over the place! Uyuni is a town out in the middle of salty nowhere, not much going on apart from…

  • Think your job is hard…?

    Then try mining for silver in Bolivia! In Potosi we had the opportunity to visit the local silver mines to experience what life is like for miners in Bolivia. Just before leaving Sucre we watched a movie called “The Devils Miner“, which gave us some background on just how hard life can be, especially for…

  • Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore

    We arrived in Bolivia last Friday and spent the first night in the wealthy city of Santa Cruz. The hotel was supposed to have a sauna and a swimming pool, but the former wasn´t on, and the latter was ice cold but we bravely had a swim nevertheless.  It was like swimming in a lake in Finland…