• Don’t replace, augment

    Don’t replace, augment

    When considering what exactly lies ahead when we consider the potential impacts of ever-accelarating advances in Machine Learning and various forms of Artificial Intelligence, my favourite diagram is this one.

  • Why does digital still suck for reading?

    Why does digital still suck for reading?

    I love to read. I read a lot of books, I love a good magazine, and I am really partial to the design of the Weekend Financial Times. It seems like print is still king when it comes to creative layouts that have impact and that are a pleasure to look at and read.

  • A short tale about online banking service design

    Once upon a time, you went to your branch and ATMs to manage your affairs. You had your bank card, you had you, you had the person behind the counter, and they would do most of the work for you.

  • RSS

    I made a conscious decision to pretty much stay off twitter earlier this year. It is a terrible time-suck, it is a firehose of all kinds of things that will rob you of your sanity and faith in humankind. It also did not help my state of anxiety at the time.

  • UX Designer wanted

    UX Designer wanted

    Was reading this article about UX Designers in Grafia (a Finnish Graphic Design magazine), and I had to laugh at this because so far in my experience it rings really true. The definition and reality of what your role as a UX Designer can vary a great deal.

  • Notifications


    Every time I go into macOS settings, I think I have a notification about notifications. In general that little red dot has become a horrible, ubiquitous distraction.

  • ToDo Hack

    ToDo Hack

    Here’s my todo/pm hack – I use the stickies app on MacOS to list my current projects or tasks, and the length indicates the size or how much is left. Just for approximation.

  • Are you Agile?

    Are you Agile?

    I think that most companies that say they practice Agile are kidding themselves.

  • The Great Design Discourse

    The Great Design Discourse

    The digital design and UX design professions seem to be having a great moment of introspection lately, some of it raising important discussion, whilst a lot of it descends into pedantic shouting on social media.

  • The UX is in the bag

    The UX is in the bag

  • Designing VUIs

    Designing VUIs

    Chatbots are taking over! GUIs and NUIs are so last year! Artificial Intelligence is so darn good and freely available that you can just speak and make it so.

  • What the Internet of Things means for Interaction Design

    What the Internet of Things means for Interaction Design

    As someone who has spent most of my career designing and building websites, I tend to think of interaction design within the realm of explicit interactions.

  • How to write great content for your audience

    How to write great content for your audience

    Good writing on the web takes commitment and skill. It’s the difference between a website with a great user experience and a mediocre one, yet we still struggle to give it the same importance as we do to web design and build.

  • A design history of chillfinn.com

    I guess I’ve had a site of my own since about 1999. I recently re-built this site, mostly because my Wordpress install kept falling prone to various vulnerabilites, but also because I tend to redesign it every couple of years out of boredom and a need to express where I’m at.

  • RWD – where my journey began

    So stoked that I found this page in an old notebook of mine. I used it when I went to the FOWD 2010 conference, and heard a talk by Ethan Marcotte that changed my whole approach to making websites.