
  • Geeeetar

    Guitar art Well, it’s been 6 months without my guitar, and now that I have a room again it just felt too weird not to have one around! So coming out the gym I went straight across the road to the local axe shop and tried a few out and got this one. Feels great,…

  • What’s that creaking sound?

    It’s me turning 32…eeek! Anyway, there it is, woke up and my cat was there to wish me a good day, the chillier weather made me think that I might be back in London, how strange. It’s times like these that make you think about comin back home! Still, I’m sure a few beers will…

  • If it weren’t for you pesky kids..!!

    Hmm, and I thought that after Sydney I wouldn’t have to deal with screaming kids in the house. Well I was almost right. However as I might be freelancing from home again, I have since discovered that right over the fence from my room window there is a childrens’ day nursery, full of the screaming…

  • Bungee video!

    My extreme bungee jump, video quality suffering for ease of download until I can compress it better!!

  • Email alerts

    Hey, how exciting, you can now subscribe to this blog! Now you need never miss another installment, oh you’re so lucky 🙂 (Thanks to my cousin Samuli again for all the technical assistance on this!)

  • The low-down on New Zealand:North Island

    It was very hard for me to keep the blog up to date in New Zealand (which I’m actually glad about), however I did write some things down on my low-tech blog (my Moleskine diary) and I should be able to recall at least some of the highlights, so here it is: the grand account…

  • The low-down on New Zealand:South Island

    Barrytown Baz-Vegas, what can I say, this was a tiny coastal town on the West coast, full of colourful locals. We stayed in a guest house that had its own bar, which is always a good thing. The bar was host to an indoor cricket match on the first night, and the 2nd night the…

  • Updates

    very soon….oh yes. But basically, I have started working for a cool little web agency here in Melbourne, getting my CSS brain cells jiggling again, and found a really cool flat with a cat and all that, except the hat.

  • No worries again

    Instead of “sweet as”. New Zealand was awesome, did not want to leave! Now I have just arrived in Melbourne, and had a really nice sunset last night as I was heading towards St Kildas beach, so i’ll take it as a good omen! Only thing is that I really don’t know where I am…

  • 1,2,3…Bungy!!

    Woah! I just jumped off the Nevis Highwire bungy jump in Queenstown, NZ, and let me tell you it was pretty amazing – 134m of freefall from a suspended station above a river gorge. The feeling of jumping off that platform is indescribable, one second you are shuffling towards the edge with your feet bound…

  • Sweet as, Bro!

    Hi all, got to Auckland safely and went up the northern-most tip of North Island to Cape Reinga, was really amazing already and I’m only just beginning! The country is rugged and beautifull, sometimes like a tropical Scotland. Tommorrow I start my big tour around NZ, expect silly amounts of pictures in a month or…

  • Blue Mountains

    So the day had finally come, I had bought a cheap rain jacket ($30) and a new baseball cap, my bags were packed and I was sitting in my favourite breakfast café in Newtown (Sydney) eating a “Canadian breakfast”-a big waffle with bacon, banana and maple syrup. It felt good; I had pretty much had…

  • Bye bye Sydney

    Botanical Gardens Well, the time has come, it’s been good hanging out here, but I’m also glad to be doing more travelling again. Off to the Blue Mountains tommorrow, staying with Dru’s family, then Saturday it’s time for New Zealand-I really can’t wait! My blogging might get a bit sparse next month, as I’m quite…

  • My work is done

    I haven’t just been lazing around you know…here’s a small site I designed and developed for some cool people!

  • I got bugs…

    I hate cockroaches. Especially huge-pumped-up-been takin steroids down the gym-ones. Just as I was enjoying a quiet moment downloading the latest Ricky Gervais podcast, the ugly critter appeared from nowhere and proceeded to scuttle it’s way around my room. After I realised it wasn’t going to just piss off I reached for the industrial-strength bug…