Every time I go into macOS settings, I think I have a notification about notifications. In general that little red dot has become a horrible, ubiquitous distraction.
ToDo Hack
Here’s my todo/pm hack – I use the stickies app on MacOS to list my current projects or tasks, and the length indicates the size or how much is left. Just for approximation.
Are you Agile?
I think that most companies that say they practice Agile are kidding themselves.
The Great Design Discourse
The digital design and UX design professions seem to be having a great moment of introspection lately, some of it raising important discussion, whilst a lot of it descends into pedantic shouting on social media.
The UX is in the bag
Designing VUIs
Chatbots are taking over! GUIs and NUIs are so last year! Artificial Intelligence is so darn good and freely available that you can just speak and make it so.