
  • Farewell to Rio

    Well sadly it was time to get going from the incredible city that is Rio de Janeiro (thats Hio de Janeiro). I have seen few cities that are set in such spectacular natural surroundings – the mountains, the sea, the fantastic public beaches beaches, Christ the Redeemer, Sugar Loaf mountain, cool Samba parties on hot Sunday…

  • That beach

    Starting from Renata´s flat we started walking around the lagoon (Lagua) to get to the Ipanema beach. Lots of brasileiro´s were jogging and cycling past us, it was a real shame we forgot our running shoes in London… Ipanema beach was as wonderful as I´d always imagined, with beautiful white sands, blue seas and tall,…

  • River of January

    We finally arrived in Rio de Janeiro (which means River of January in Portuguese) on Saturday evening as  – to our surprise – did our luggage, which Iberia was unwilling (unable?) to hand back to us on Friday when we were stranded in Madrid. The customer service agent assured it would be checked in for…

  • Si si si, hehehehe

    Yes, disappointing but sh*t happens! I think we may have to get used to the Latino style of “doing” things…nobody at the airport seemed to know exactly what we should do or where we should go, I even suspect that at least two of the airport staff has no actual clue as to where they were in…

  • Wet planes

    Courtesy of Iberia airlines, we´re spending the night in Madrid after missing our connection from Madrid to Rio today. Our flight, for which we had to get up at 04:30 – somewhat painful after a few (too many) leaving drinks last night – was late leaving Heathrow because the plane was “wet”. Yes, that´s right,…

  • Best of Australia 2006

    Another ‘best of’ collection of shots taken whilst I was off down under in 2006/7 for an extended break. [nggallery id=2]

  • Best of New Zealand 2006

    This is a “best of” collection of photos that I took whilst on my month-long bus tour around New Zealand, way back in 2006. [nggallery id=4]

  • Where the bloody hell are ya?

    Seagull by Sydney Harbour London, that’s where! That’s it folks! I’m back safe and sound, got some crazy jetlag after a marathon 24 hour journey back to London. It was very odd getting on the tube at Heathrow, the underground map looked simpler than it had before. It’s been a great 8 months and I…

  • Final trip

    Currently at SIngapore airport for re-fuel, experienced the delights of the airports cactus garden, and the dubious bonus of Cliff Richard songs playing in the, this is a long mission. Thanks for reading, this is probably about it for now!

  • Me and the Koala

    Me and the Koala Finally, I got to see my first Koala bear, and they really are cute creatures. And very chilled out.

  • Back in Sydney (again)

    It’s actually nice being back in Sydney, this time I decided to stay on the North Shore, just next to the Harbour Bridge in Kirribili. Got my own room with pretty good breakfast, I’m really close to the shore, it’s great! I forgot how much more tropical Sydney feels, it’s def got that humidity in…

  • Sovereign Hill, Ballarat

    Sovereign Hill, Ballarat Went on a day trip to see the recreated Gold mining town at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat, and despite it being quite chilly there it was a really good day out! Best bits were going down the mineshafts, amazing to think about the conditions people worked in back then, and also made me…

  • 2 movies

    First, don’t go and see The New World. I think Terence Malick is pretty amazing as a director, and does shoot this movie incredibly well in terms of cinematography- it’s very poetic. However there is no excuse for putting out a movie of such incredible tedium, it’s totally over-indulgent and would have been fine if…

  • The lost video diaries

    I actually took some short video clips before I left, a month ago, and today as a real reminder of some of the key stages in my trip these past 8 months. So below we have todays wrap up, but there’s the 7 month clip, and the pre trip clip. Apologies for my formal video…

  • Sunday thoughts

    Hmm, just occurred to me that soon this blog is going to sleep – I like to think I’m not such a geek that I’d carry on blogging at home! Photos yes, bla bla no. Unless I make a separate one. Who knows. So anyway, there might still be time for one or two more…