
  • At least it’s sunny

    This week we’ve been blessed with gorgeous sunny skies, as Spring begins to blossom and things start to grow, transforming the immediate landscape around our home. It’s harder to feel gloomy when it’s like this.

  • Week 1 – Monday

    So it begins. Yesterday I was folding up the laundry, and there was quite a few of the kids’ school clothes in the mix – jumpers, cardigans, grey trousers…as I was folding I realised that this set might well now not be worn again by the kids. Somehow a little sad.

  • Mothering Sunday

    Woke up at 5.30, then half fell asleep before getting up at 7.30 to get things ready for a nice Mother’s Day breakfast. Went to pick up some beautiful flowers from our local florist. The shop was full of different orders waiting to be picked up, with slightly furtive staff.

  • First week at home

    So that’s the first working week at home done. So far, being in the software industry, it seems totally manageable to work remotely. People do it all the time! Just requires a little mindset shift and the necessary equipment and broadband. I worry for people that cannot do this, and salute our key workers.

  • Covid-19 UK

    Well that escalated quickly. I am writing this post in the first week of national lockdown in the United Kingdom, due to the emergence of a global coronavirus pandemic called Covid-19 which is spreading throughout the world with devastating consequences.

  • Joe Pesci

    Joe Pesci

    The best thing in “The Irishman” was, without a doubt, the frames worn by Joe Pesci. So damn stylish.

  • Notifications


    Every time I go into macOS settings, I think I have a notification about notifications. In general that little red dot has become a horrible, ubiquitous distraction.

  • Working in digital

    Working in digital

    Do you remember when people first started talking about this new kind of industry you could get into: ‘New Media’, ‘Digital’, ‘Web Design’? I do!

  • An ode to information overload

    I’ve just returned to work after 2 weeks of holiday. Before I left, I decided that I had had enough of being addicted to looking at the endless feed of information and hysteria on twitter. It’s one of many bad digital addictions, and it ruins my ability to concentrate.

  • Is this really happening?

    Another morning, trying to fight down the sheer panic and disbelief. It’s like this has come out of nowhere.

  • The Village and the Haters

    Once there was a village and in it lived many types of people from all over the land, the Mayor, a few rich merchants and a small group called the Haters.

  • ToDo Hack

    ToDo Hack

    Here’s my todo/pm hack – I use the stickies app on MacOS to list my current projects or tasks, and the length indicates the size or how much is left. Just for approximation.

  • Are you Agile?

    Are you Agile?

    I think that most companies that say they practice Agile are kidding themselves.

  • The Great Design Discourse

    The Great Design Discourse

    The digital design and UX design professions seem to be having a great moment of introspection lately, some of it raising important discussion, whilst a lot of it descends into pedantic shouting on social media.

  • Pink slime

    You know Ghostbusters 2, where there’s all that pink slime and it’s making people really angry and mean? Social media and most popular media is that pink slime.